PowerForward DuPage was pleased to partner with ECA Chicago and NECA to host a complimentary Workplace Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Training joint safety forum on Friday, April 26th at the IBEW Local 701 Union Hall from 8:00AM until 10:30AM.

This seminar was taught by John Newquist with the Construction Safety Council and was well attended with over (40) participants. The topics included recognition, avoidance, and prevention of mental health stressors and conditions in the workplace, including those which can lead to suicide.

Following the presentation, assistance options for members and employers were provided by IBEW Local 701 and Local 134 Members Assistance Program representatives, Ashley Treder and Kathleen Horton. Construction Industry Alliance Suicide Prevention updates were also provided by Kevin O’Shea with Shamrock Electric Company, Inc.

Mental health affects how we think, feel and act and helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. The goal of this course was to educate, raise awareness and provide tools to help prevent suicide and improve mental health.

We would like to thank the guest presenters, Safety Committees and everyone who attended!


Lauren Mesich, Director
PowerForward DuPage

Pictured above are the Joint Safety Committee members as well as the guest presenters.